Friday, 17 January 2014

A busy few months ahead

In May we will set off on our new adventure. We will be taking our narrowboat Tralfamadore, around the UK waterways. Although we have used Tralfamadore for holidays and weekends, this will be a major change for us and we have a very busy few months ahead as we prepare. We are currently in downsize mode and everywhere we look we have stuff. Where it all came from goodness only knows, but its there and we need to rationalise it. Grainnes car knows its own way to the charity shop and as the weather gets better no doubt we'll have some early Sunday mornings at the car boot sale.

This weekend we will be doing the same on Tralfamadore as after owning her for 4 and a half years we have a duplicate of nearly everything we have at home. That is except for the one item or tool you really need that's always in the wrong place. Come May that will not be an issue as it will be on the boat somewhere.

Our two dogs Wilma
 and Eric

will be sharing our adventure.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

first post

That's us, green boat red roof, coming up caen hill flight on the K&A heading to Newbury in 2010